Often when I use the word feminism or make reference to feminist beliefs I get awkward pauses in casual conversation or puzzled looks from the people I am speaking with. For many people when they think of feminism the old-school images (in slang sometimes referred to as “Fem-Nazis”) of masculine, aggressive, angry women (that are focused exclusively on how much they don’t need men), come to mind. I find my self saddened and frustrated about these misconceptions..,,
In the video above Courtney Martin does a brilliant job of explaining the re-invented version of feminism for the 21st century. We are in an amazing and scary time; women now have more rights/equality than ever in the US (although we have a ways to go to recieve true social, political, and financial equality), yet there are women all over the world that are being abused, mistreated, and killed simply because they were not born male.
Courtney’s 3 paradoxes are a great way to explain the challenges that feminist and feminism face. It is a relief that someone is out there clarifying that you can be feminine and a feminist at the same time. Check out the link (at the top of the page, above the image) to watch her brief presentation.